Meet the Founder

Educational Consultant
Ervin Anderson
M.S. Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis - Global Higher Education (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
B.A. Sociology; Certificate in Educational Policy Studies (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Paralegal Certificate (Center for Legal Studies)
Professional Qualifications
Over 10 years of experience in U.S. higher education (college admissions and application review, international student recruitment, immigration compliance, instruction).
Former university Admissions Counselor, International Student Recruiter, International Student Organization Advisor, and former Designated School Official (DSO).
Advanced credential in international education (coursework in global education policy, campus internationalization, language and cultural politics).
Trained in the U.S. visa and immigration system, case management, correspondence with federal agencies as an Immigration Advisor.
Reviewed 4000+ undergraduate domestic and international applications for a selective university.
Advised thousands of prospective international students on the U.S. college admissions process.
Conducted foreign credential evaluations for graduate school applicants from 15+ countries.
Generated U.S. Department of Homeland Security Form(s) I-20 and DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility via SEVIS for F student and J exchange visitor visa programs.
Led the creation of a campus international student ambassador program.
Familiar with the academic research literature on U.S. international student adjustment challenges.
Detailed understanding of the U.S. international student experience and International Student & Scholar Services (OISSS).
Philosophy and Methods
Partnership requires assessment of the client’s educational background, immigration history, and goals.
The Consulting Proposal creates consensus about our objectives, services, costs, and policies.
Our Enrollment Strategy Report commences the application phase, creates excitement, and showcases the consultant’s research findings.
Removal of barriers during the application process promotes efficiency, saves valuable time, and reduces client costs.
Benchmark-oriented advising enables admission, visa, and enrollment success through clear instruction and realistic deadlines.
Alternative planning helps reduce resource waste in the pursuit of viable enrollment options.
Consultant accessibility and timely response are critical; the result is increased trust and partnership effectiveness.
Our Market Advantage
High-level credentials and professional experience in the field of international education.
Exclusive focus on students from the African continent.
Comprehensive U.S. college admissions, student visa, and post-arrival adjustment support.
Unique end-to-end model promotes enrollment success and first semester retention.
Boutique-style advising caters to specific educational desires of students and families.
Around-the-clock access to consultant through WhatsApp, phone, email, and web conference.
Based in Houston, Texas, a major hub for immigrants and cultural diversity.
U.S. location provides access to colleges for correspondence and campus visits.
Accolades and Recognition
Rising Star Award by the Professional Association of Young Africans (2024)
ABS AfricaTV featured interview (2024)